Just Moved Into Your New Home? 4 Tips To Help You Use Your Propane Safely

If you've recently moved into a home that is connected to a propane tank and you have limited experience with this type of fuel, you'll want to make sure that you understand a few safety tips. Here are some tips that will help you use your propane safely.

Make Leak Detection Easier

If you rely on propane for your heating and cooking, you need to know how to detect a leak. Even if your tank is in good condition, problems can occur that will lead to a leak. Unfortunately, propane leaks can be extremely dangerous. One way to protect yourself and your family is to make leak detection easier. First, ensure that you and your family can recognize the scent that's added to propane. Second, coat the valves and fittings on your propane tank with a solution that will identify gas leaks immediately. Finally, make sure your family knows what to do in the event of a propane leak. 

Mark Your Underground Propane Tank

If you have an underground tank, and you haven't taken the time to mark the spot, now's the time to do that. You may know where the tank is right now, but that doesn't mean you'll remember in a few years. Unfortunately, losing track of your underground propane tank can put you at risk for a number of problems. While you still remember where your tank is located, place a marker to identify the spot. Be sure that your marker extends several feet above the ground, especially if the area is covered in snow during the winter. 

Know What Your Burner Flame Should Look Like

If you rely on propane for cooking, take the time to know what your burner flame should look like. When you have a safe, even flow of propane to your burner, the flame should be steady and the color should be blue. If your flame is flickering, splitting, or has turned an orangish color, turn the burner off and call your propane delivery company immediately. 

Keep Outdoor Equipment Outside Where it Belongs

Finally, if you have outdoor grilling equipment that utilizes propane, keep it outside. During inclement weather, you may be tempted to bring your grill inside for additional heating or for winter grilling. However, attempting to do that will put you and your family at risk for accidents and injuries. Outdoor propane equipment should never be used in an enclosed space, such as your home.

For more information, contact a propane gas service in your area.

416 Words

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Material Sourcing Assessments: Finding Raw Materials Raw material solutions are a crucial part of manufacturing in any environment. If you've recently acquired a manufacturing business or your current material supplier isn't getting the job done, you might wonder about what your options are to address the issue. That's why we created this blog. We have found a lot of information about material sourcing and fabrication details. The posts on this page will help you to evaluate the supplier you have right now as well as any other suppliers that you're considering. We will update the site regularly as we find more information, so check back as often as you can.




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